Electronic Resource Evaluation Form

1) Resource name:
2) Please rate the following features of this resource on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 is excellent; 5 is poor):
Relevance (appropriateness to curriculum)
Scope/Coverage (comprehensiveness of coverage, years included)
Search functionality (limiting, field, Boolean, and keyword search capabilities, search history, ability to find dates of coverage and journals indexed)
friendliness (ease of navigation, clarity presentation, aesthetics)
3) Is there a similar resource (including a print resource) you consider preferable?
 If so, please give title:
4) Is this resource superior to a similar one (including a print resource) you use?
 If so, please give title:
5) Overall recommendation:
Highly Recommended
Not Recommended
6) Other comments:
7) Name:
8) Phone Number/E-mail:
9) Status:
Grad Student
10) Departmental Affiliation:

Thanks for evaluating this resource. To receive information about the library's decision to acquire a particular electronic resource, pleace contact Lois O'Neill, Electronic Resources Librarian: oneill@adelphi.edu; 516-877-3581.